The city, according to city builders: The mythology of city-builder games

Presented at CEEGS 2023: Meaning and Making of Games, Lepizig, Germany, 19–21 October.
Extended abstract
City-builder games allow the player to “build your dream city” (SimCity BuildIt, 2023) where “you’re only limited by your imagination” (Paradox Interactive, n.d.). Of course, those are marketing statements, but most titles emphasise a large degree of creative freedom. Players generally understand that their virtual city is, in fact, limited. Computational power, assets included in the game, gameplay mechanics. But less acknowledged is the degree to which city builders limit the imagination too. The hidden choices—conscious or not—regarding what is and is not possible in gameplay also limit the imagination. Outside of the game too, I argue, these game design decisions play a role in limiting the imagination for what cities can be in general.
It is important that city-builder game developers consider the theoretical ramifications and possibilities of their design choices. Likewise, it is important that researchers consider carefully what conceptions of the city these games construct, particularly as they advocate for city builders within the contexts of education and activism.
Here, I apply a mythological approach to game analysis (Ford, 2022). This approach is based on Roland Barthes’ Mythologies (1972/2009) and Frog’s mythic discourse analysis (2021).
With this grounding, mythology is approached as a way of expressing meaning rather than a kind of object (in contrast to, e.g., narrative, structuralist or Jungian approaches). Frog sees mythologies as “models for knowing the world” (2021, p. 161). A mythological approach to gameworlds here entails examining the gameworld’s model of the world.
As simulations, the model of city management instantiated by these games reveals a particular set of assumptions regarding how cities function and can be managed. The choices regarding what is simulated (and how) and what is not shows us the limits to the imagination. Examples of these choices have been raised before: the role of the ‘player-mayor’ in SimCity (Maxis, 1989) (Friedman, 1999); the need for cities in SimCity (Maxis Emeryville, 2013) to be profitable (Kłosiński, 2016); the way the SimCity games force the player into creating a car-centric, North American-style metropolis (Pedercini, 2017).
The need for further study of city builders in this way is twofold.
First, the vast majority of research into city builders focuses on the SimCity series. Of course, the genre has always been much broader, and many have not considered SimCity to be the standard-bearer of the genre since the disastrous release of SimCity (2013) and the subsequent release of Cities: Skylines (Colossal Order, 2015) (see Livingston, 2015). In this context, it is important to examine to what extent analyses of SimCity can be taken as paradigmatic.
Second, city builders (and, again, SimCity in particular) continue to be of interest for game-based learning (e.g., Adams, 1998; Andreoletti & Cappello, 2013; Arnold et al., 2019; Glasslab Games, 2013; Khan & Zhao, 2021; Kim & Shin, 2016; Manocchia, 1999; Minnery & Searle, 2014; Woessner, 2015). Many of these works do encourage educators to approach the games critically as limited simulations that make assumptions. Nonetheless, it is important to arm future pedagogical approaches with robust arguments that lay out those implicit assumptions. In particular—relating to the first point—arguments that pertain to the genre as a whole are almost nonexistent (with notable exceptions, such as Bereitschaft, 2015).
I provide an overview of the city builder genre, identifying mythologies shared across the genre. I also acknowledge the exceptions, such as Terra Nil (Free Lives, 2023), arguing that we need more of those to expand our imaginings of city design and management. Crucially, I argue that these exceptions demonstrate that innovative city builder games can expand our imaginative horizons for what cities can and should be.
Adams, P. C. (1998). Teaching and learning with SimCity 2000. Journal of Geography, 97(2), 47–55.
Andreoletti, M., & Cappello, G. (2013). SIMaging the CITY: The educational use of simulation video games for disadvantaged youth. European Conference on Games Based Learning, 19–26.
Arnold, U., Söbke, H., & Reichelt, M. (2019). SimCity in infrastructure management education. Education Sciences, 9(3), 209.
Barthes, R. (2009). Mythologies (A. Lavers & S. Reynolds, Trans.). Vintage. (Original work published 1972)
Bereitschaft, B. (2015). Gods of the city? Reflecting on city building games as an early introduction to urban systems. Journal of Geography, 115(2), 51–60.
Colossal Order. (2015). Cities: Skylines [PC]. Digital game published by Paradox Interactive.
Free Lives. (2023). Terra nil [PC]. Digital game published by Devolver Digital.
Friedman, T. (1999). The semiotics of SimCity. First Monday, 4(4).
Frog. (2021). Mythic discourse analysis. In Frog & J. Ahola (Eds.), Folklore and Old Norse mythology (pp. 161–212). The Kaleva Society.
Glasslab Games. (2013). SimCityEDU [PC]. Digital game published by the Institute of Play.
Khan, T. A., & Zhao, X. (2021). Perceptions of students for a gamification approach: Cities Skylines as a pedagogical tool in urban planning education. In D. Dennehy, A. Griva, N. Pouloudi, Y. K. Dwivedi, I. Pappas, & M. Mäntymäki (Eds.), Responsible AI and analytics for an ethical and inclusive digitized society (Vol. 12896, pp. 763–773). Springer International.
Kim, M., & Shin, J. (2016). The pedagogical benefits of SimCity in urban geography education. Journal of Geography, 115(2), 39–50.
Kłosiński, M. (2016). SimCity: Where the city ends. In More after more: Essays commemorating the five hundredth anniversary of Thomas More’s Utopia (pp. 114–126). Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta.
Livingston, C. (2015, March 19). Cities: Skylines greenlit ‘after what happened to SimCity’. PC Gamer.
Manocchia, M. (1999). Review of SimCity 2000 software. Teaching Sociology, 27(2), 212–215.
Maxis. (1989). SimCity [PC]. Digital game published by Infogrames.
Maxis Emeryville. (2013). SimCity [PC]. Digital game published by Electronic Arts.
Minnery, J., & Searle, G. (2014). Toying with the city? Using the computer game SimCity 4 in planning education. Planning Practice & Research, 29(1), 41–55.
Paradox Interactive. (n.d.). Cities: Skylines | Paradox Interactive. Retrieved 3 August 2020, from
Pedercini, P. (2017, April). SimCities and SimCrises [Keynote]. 4th International City-Gaming Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
SimCity BuildIt. (2023, April 18). Apple App Store.
Woessner, M. (2015). Teaching with SimCity: Using sophisticated gaming simulations to teach concepts in introductory American government. PS: Political Science & Politics, 48(2), 358–363.